Thammasat University Regulations
on Undergraduate Education B.E. 2561 (2018)
Whereas it is expedient to amend the regulations of the University on undergraduate education;
By virtue of the powers conferred by Section 23 of the Thammasat University Act B.E. 2558 (2015), the University Council passed a resolution in meeting no. 12/2560 on 25 December B.E. 2560 (2017) approving the issuance of these Regulations.
Article 1. These Regulations are called “Thammasat University Regulations on Undergraduate Education B.E. 2561 (2018)”.
Article 2. These Regulations will be in force from and including the day on which they are announced.
Article 3. These Regulations will apply to students who are registered as students in academic year 2561 (2018) onwards.
Article 4. In these Regulations:
“University” means Thammasat University;
“University Council” means the Thammasat University Council;
“Rector” means the Rector of Thammasat University;
“Faculty” will have a meaning that includes a college, institute, or division called by another name, of the University that offers undergraduate education;
“Dean” will have a meaning that includes a director of an institute, or head of a division called by another name, that offers undergraduate education;
“Faculty Committee” will have a meaning that includes a committee of a college, institute, or division called by another name, that offers undergraduate education;
“Programme” means a programme of undergraduate education of the University, and will have a meaning that includes a programme of undergraduate education that is combined with a master’s degree, in relation to the part that is undergraduate education;
“Semester” means a semester in a bi-semester system or a tri-semester system, but does not include a summer semester;
“Other Higher Education Institution” means a university or other higher education institution established pursuant to Thai law, or a foreign university or higher education institution;
“Programme Specification” means specifications as to the criteria and conditions for education on a Programme in accordance with the authorisation of the University Council; and
“Registrar” means the Director of the Office of the Registrar.
Article 5. The Rector is the competent person under these Regulations and has the power to issue announcements of the University for conduct in accordance with these Regulations.
Chapter 1
Education Management System and Faculty Advisors
Article 6. The University manages education using the principle of academic coordination between Faculties. A Faculty that has a duty to manage education in a field of academia shall manage education in that field of academia for students of the University in every Faculty, except in the case of a justifiable reason and with approval of the University Council.
Article 7. The education management of the University has 2 systems, as follows:
(1) the bi-semester system: education management in which one academic year has two Semesters, Semester 1 and Semester 2, and may also have a summer semester following Semester 2; and
(2) the tri-semester system: education management in which one academic year has three Semesters, Semester 1, Semester 2, and Semester 3.
In education management pursuant to paragraph one, the method of teaching may be designed to divide the periods of education according to educational topics that have equivalent volumes of learning content as the bi-semester system or the tri-semester system, as the case may be.
The education management of any programme of education in accordance with the systems under paragraph one shall be subject to the power of the University Council to consider and authorise.
Article 8. Regarding the bi-semester system, a Semester will last for a period of not less than fifteen weeks, and the summer term will last for a period of not less than six weeks, provided that there will be additional hours of education in each course to make it equal to a Semester.
Regarding the tri-semester system, a Semester will last for a period of not less than twelve weeks and not more than 14 weeks.
Each course that is open for teaching may last for a period of study that differs from that specified in paragraph one or paragraph two, provided that it has a volume of education per credit no less than that specified in Article 9.
Article 9. The credits for a course in a Programme will be calculated according to the volume of education, whereby one credit will be equal to the following volumes of education:
(A) Bi-semester system
(1) In theoretical courses, there will be lectures or issue discussions for not less than one hour per week, or not less than fifteen hours per Semester.
(2) In practical courses, there will be training and demonstrations for not less than two hours per week, or not less than thirty hours per Semester.
(3) For training and fieldwork, there will be practice time for not less than three hours per week, or not less than forty-five hours per Semester.
(4) For projects and other learning activities that have been assigned, there will be time for working on the project or activity of not less than three hours per week, or not less than forty-five hours per Semester.
(B) Tri-semester system
(1) In theoretical courses, there will be lectures or issue discussions for not less than one hour per week, or not less than twelve hours per Semester
(2) In practical courses, there will be training and demonstrations for not less than two hours per week, or not less than twenty-four hours per Semester.
(3) For training and fieldwork, there will be practice time for not less than three hours per week, or not less than thirty-six hours per Semester.
(4) For projects and other learning activities that have been assigned, there will be time for working on the project or activity of not less than three hours per week, or not less than thirty-six hours per Semester.
Article 10. The determination of the total number of credits for a Programme will be in accordance with the following criteria:
(1) Undergraduate Programmes (four years) in the bi-semester system are to have no less than one hundred and twenty credits, and those in the tri-semester system are to have no less than one hundred and fifty credits.
(2) Undergraduate Programmes (six years) in the bi-semester system are to have no less than one hundred and eighty credits, and those in the tri-semester system are to have no less than two hundred and twenty-five credits.
Article 11. The period of study is to be no more than the time prescribed in the Programme Specification, provided that the Programme Specification shall not prescribe longer time periods than the following:
(1) Undergraduate Programmes (four years) will have a period of study of no longer than eight academic years.
(2) Undergraduate Programmes (six years) will have a period of study of no longer than twelve academic years.
A student who exceeds the period of study specified in paragraph one shall have his or her name removed from the student register.
Article 12. A Faculty shall prescribe for each student to have a Faculty Advisor, to perform the duty of recommending, giving advice, giving approval or permission regarding the student’s study plan, registration, addition and withdrawal of courses, Programme transfer, leave of absence from education, resignation, and other procedures to supervise his or her behaviour and monitor his or her learning outcomes.
Chapter 2
Article 13. Admissions of students to the University may be as follows:
(1) admission by way of procedures of a government division or other agency pursuant to an assignment of the University or pursuant to an agreement, provided that this shall be in alignment with admission selection criteria specified in the Programme Specification; or
(2) admission by way of a procedure of the University in accordance with admission selection criteria specified in the Programme Specification.
The criteria and methods for admissions pursuant to (2) will be in accordance with that which the Rector, with the approval of the University Council, shall prescribe through the issuance of an announcement of the University.
Article 14. A University student shall have the following general qualifications and shall not have the following prohibited characteristics:
(1) having graduated from no lower than upper secondary school level or its equivalent;
(2) not being a student of a university or Other Higher Education Institution, other than studying in an open university or studying in an online programme that confers a degree;
(3) not being diagnosed with an illness or in a condition that will pose a serious obstacle to studying; and
(4) not being a person acting in contravention of good morals or with serious irreputable behaviour.
Aside from the qualifications and prohibited characteristics according to paragraph one, a person applying to study on a Programme of education is to have the specific characteristics according to the Programme Specification for the Programme to which they are applying and according to announcements of the University on admissions.
Chapter 3
Registration as a Student
Article 15. A person who has passed admission shall register as a student, in accordance with the criteria and methods that the University shall prescribe, during the 14 days from and including the opening day of the Semester, provided that, in the case of necessity, the Rector may permit late registration, but not beyond Semester 1 of the first academic year.
A person who has passed admission using educational qualifications from abroad shall submit a certificate displaying these educational qualifications to the Faculty on the day of his or her registration as a student. However, if he or she is not able to submit the certificate, the Rector may permit late submission, but this shall be no later than Semester 1 of the first academic year. If the specified period for late submission has passed and the person has not submitted the certificate, his or her registration as a student shall be revoked.
Article 16. If it is discovered that a person who has registered as a student does not have the qualifications or has a prohibited characteristic according to Article 14, or used documentary evidence supporting the registration that was false, the Registrar shall recommend to the University Council to revoke his or her registration as a student.
If, in a situation according to paragraph one, it appears that the offender has already graduated, the Rector shall recommend to the University Council to revoke his or her degree certificate.
Chapter 4
Status of Years of Study
Article 17. In comparing the status of years of study of a student, the number of credits for which examinations have been passed or that have been transferred will be considered, according to the following criteria:
(1) First Year: commencing on registration as a student and continuing while examinations have been passed or credits transferred for less than one quarter of the total number of credits in the Programme Specification.
(2) Second Year: having passed examinations or transferred credits for one quarter or more, but less than half, of the total number of credits in the Programme Specification.
(3) Third Year: having passed examinations or transferred credits for one half or more, but less than three quarters, of the total number of credits in the Programme Specification.
(4) Fourth Year: having passed examinations or transferred credits for not less than three quarters of the total number of credits in the Programme Specification.
Chapter 5
Article 18. For the quality of education management, the Dean may prescribe conditions or limitations on the number of students who are to enrol in any course, by way of an announcement of the Faculty.
An announcement that a course will be added or that any course will be closed for which students have already registered shall be made during the seven days from and including the opening day of the Semester or during the four days from and including the opening day of the summer semester.
Article 19. Course enrolment will proceed according to the criteria, methods and schedule that the Rector shall prescribe through the issuance of an announcement of the University.
If a student owes any debt to the University, he or she must fully repay the debt before he or she will have the right to enrol, except where he or she has received authorisation from the Rector.
After a student has enrolled, he or she shall proceed to examine the results of his or her enrolment within a reasonable time.
Regarding a student who has not made a course enrolment in accordance with paragraph one, he or she may request late enrolment, provided that he or she shall proceed during the fourteen days from and including the opening day of the Semester or during the three days from and including the opening day of the summer semester, and he or she shall pay a late registration fine at a daily rate pursuant to announcements of the University on rates of education fees.
Article 20. In a Semester in a bi-semester system or tri-semester system, a student shall enrol for not less than nine credits but not more than twenty-two credits, and in a summer semester, a student shall enrol for not more than six credits.
A student may enrol for a greater number of credits than the number pursuant to paragraph one with authorisation of the Rector in the following situations:
(1) being a student with the status of Fourth Year; or
(2) regarding education in the summer semester, a student may enrol for more than six credits, but not more than nine credits, only in a situation where he or she anticipates that he or she will graduate in that academic year.
A student may make an enrolment for a fewer number of credits than the number pursuant to paragraph one in the following situations:
(1) the student’s remaining number of credits for courses in the Programme is fewer than the number pursuant to paragraph one; or
(2) being diagnosed with an illness or suffering a serious accident requiring time for treatment in hospital or physical rehabilitation, with authorisation of the Dean.
For the calculation of the maximum number of credits for enrolment pursuant to paragraph one, such calculation shall include courses supplementary to foundational courses which the University prescribes for study without credits, courses for which a student enrols to supplement his or her knowledge without academic assessment, and courses in other universities for which a student enrols with authorisation pursuant to Article 25.
For the calculation of the number of credits for enrolment pursuant to paragraph one, such calculation will not include the number of credits for courses for which the student has received an exemption through passing a test, assessment, or equivalent course transfer.
Article 21. In each Semester, a student shall enrol in courses of the Programme on which he or she is studying for not less than half of the number of credits for which he or she is enrolled, unless he or she has received authorisation from the Dean in the following situations:
(1) having completed the study of the major courses or specific courses of the Programme;
(2) having enrolled in all of the courses of the Programme on which he or she is studying in the Semester in which he or she is making the enrolment;
(3) the student is requesting to enrol in courses of a Programme to which he or she will transfer his or her study; or
(4) the student has academic status of a second warning or a probation.
Article 22. A student who receives a ‘D’ letter grade or above, or who receives an ‘S’ letter grade, on any course shall not re-enrol on that course, unless the Programme Specification prescribes otherwise.
Article 23. A student who receives an ‘F’ or a ‘U’ letter grade on a course that is a compulsory course of the Programme shall re-enrol on that course until he or she receives a letter grade of a ‘D’ or above or an ‘S’.
A student who receives an ‘F’ or a ‘U’ letter grade on an elective course of a Programme may re-enrol in that course until he or she receives a letter grade of a ‘D’ or above or an ‘S’, or he or she may enrol in another course that is an elective course of the Programme instead.
Article 24. A student who does not enrol in a Semester and who has not requested a leave of absence from education for that Semester during the thirty days from and including the opening day of the Semester shall have his or her name removed from the student register.
Article 25. In a case where the University has an agreement for a student exchange programme with an Other Higher Education Institution or a student has an agreement to receive a scholarship from a government division, state agency, civic sector agency, or other non-profit organisation, or a student wishes to study at an Other Higher Education Institute, the Rector, on recommendation of the Dean, may authorise the student to enrol in a course that the Other Higher Education Institute offers, with it being deemed to be a part of that student’s education according to the Programme.
Article 26. In a case where the University has an agreement for a student exchange programme with an Other Higher Education Institution, or has an agreement with another university or agency with the objective that the University or a Faculty will admit a person onto a course of the University or Faculty, the Rector may authorise such person who is not a student at the University to enrol in a course of the University.
The person enrolled on a course of the University pursuant to paragraph one shall pay a tuition fee at the rate according to announcements of the University on rates of education fees.
Article 27. The Rector has the power to consider matters concerning enrolment beyond the conditions specified in this Regulation, only in a case where the cause of such matters relates to the management of teaching by the University.
Chapter 6
Addition and Withdrawal of Courses
Article 28. A request for addition of courses after enrolment may be made during the fourteen days from and including the opening day of the Semester, or during the seven days from and including the opening day of the summer semester, provided that, in the case of a justifiable reason, the Dean may authorise the addition of courses after the expiry of the periods provided above, but not later than fourteen days prior to the final day of the Semester or the summer semester as the case may be, and provided that the student shall meet the requirements on studying time prescribed in Article 43.
A request for addition of courses pursuant to paragraph one requires prior approval from the student’s Faculty Advisor and the course instructor.
Article 29. A request for withdrawal from a course after enrolment may be made in the following situations:
(1) a request for withdrawal during the fourteen days from and including the opening day of the Semester, or during the seven days from and including the opening day of the summer semester. For this purpose, the course shall be struck off;
(2) a request for withdrawal after the expiry of the period specified in (1) above, but no later than the first ten weeks of the Semester or four weeks of the summer semester. For this purpose, a W letter grade shall be recorded for that course; or
(3) a request for withdrawal after the expiry of the period specified in (2) above, but no later than fourteen days prior to the final day of the Semester or summer semester, provided that this may only be done in a case of necessity and with the approval of his or her Faculty Advisor and the Dean. For this purpose, a W letter grade shall be recorded for that course.
A request for withdrawal that would result in the remaining courses for which the student has enrolled in that Semester totalling less than nine credits may not be made other than by reason of necessity and with the approval of the Dean, provided that credits from courses in which the student is enrolled in another university, for which he or she has received authorisation pursuant to Article 25, will be included in the calculation of credits above.
Article 30. The Rector has the power to consider matters concerning addition and withdrawal of courses beyond the conditions specified in this Regulation, only in a case where the cause of such matters relates to the management of teaching by the University.
Chapter 7
Equivalent Course and Credit Transfer and Equivalent Knowledge Transfer
Article 31. A student undertaking study at another university or an Other Higher Education Institution may request equivalent course and credit transfer where the content of the course is equivalent and where the criteria for evaluation or assessment has equivalent standards to a course in the Programme in which the student is studying, in accordance with the following criteria:
(1) the student is to have a period of study in the University of not less than one academic year;
(2) the equivalency transfer is not to account for more than half of the total number of credits for the Programme;
(3) the course for which an equivalency transfer is requested is not to be a course in a Programme of which that student has had his or her name withdrawn from the student register.
(4) the course for which an equivalency transfer is requested is to have been studied not more than five years previously, calculated from and including the year in which the student enrolled for the course to the day on which the request is made for equivalent course and credit transfer.
(5) the course for which an equivalency transfer is requested is to have received educational results of the level of ‘C’ or above, or equivalent, except in the case of a student undertaking study at another university or an Other Higher Education Institution on a project for collaboration in producing graduates or an academic exchange project, in which case an equivalency transfer may be made for a course and the credits with the actual educational result.
In addition to the criteria according to paragraph one, the Dean, with the approval of the Faculty Committee, has the power to prescribe criteria, methods, and details for equivalent course and credit transfer that differ from the provisions of paragraph one, by way of an announcement of the Faculty and a report to the Rector.
Article 32. The Dean, with the approval of the Faculty Committee, is the person with the power to authorise an equivalent course and credit transfer pursuant to this Chapter.
Article 33. The educational results for courses that have received authorisation for equivalent course and credit transfer will be recorded as follows:
(1) regarding a student undertaking study on a project for collaboration in producing graduates or an academic exchange project, or a student undertaking study at his or her own initiative with authorisation from the Rector, educational results will be recorded according to the actual result attained, or in the case of a course in which educational results with a letter grade C or above were attained, the letters ‘ACC’ may be recorded, in accordance with criteria that the Dean, with the approval of the Faculty Committee, may prescribe by way of an announcement of the Faculty; and
(2) in the case of a student other than (1) above, the letters ‘ACC’ will be recorded.
Article 34. Equivalency transfer of knowledge and the awarding of credits for education outside of the system or informal education may be made pursuant to criteria and methods that the Dean, with the approval of the Faculty Committee, shall prescribe by way of an announcement of the Faculty, and the letters ‘ACC’ will be recorded for a course for which authorisation has been given for such equivalency transfer of knowledge.
The Dean may proceed pursuant to paragraph one by way of a written test or practical examination.
Chapter 8
Letters Indicating Educational results
Article 35. Educational results for each course will be divided into the following two categories:
(1) Educational results for courses that have grade values and that are included in the calculation of grade point average, will have letters, meanings, and grade values as follows:
Letter | Meaning (Thai) | Meaning (English) | Grade value |
A | ผลการประเมินขั้นชั้นเลิศ | Excellent | 4.0 |
B+ | ผลการประเมินขั้นดีมาก | Very Good | 3.5 |
B | ผลการประเมินขั้นดี | Good | 3.0 |
C+ | ผลการประเมินขั้นดีพอใช้ | Almost Good | 2.5 |
C | ผลการประเมินขั้นพอใช้ | Fair | 2.0 |
D+ | ผลการประเมินค่อนข้างอ่อน | Almost Fair | 1.5 |
D | ผลการประเมินขั้นอ่อน | Poor | 1.0 |
F | ผลการประเมินขั้นตก | Failed | 0 |
(2) Educational results for courses that do not have grade values or that are not included in the calculation of grade point average, will have letters and meanings as follows:
Letter | Meaning (Thai) | Meaning (English) |
S | ใช้ได้ | Satisfactory |
U | ใช้ไม่ได้ | Unsatisfactory |
ACC | ได้รับยกเว้นรายวิชาโดยผ่านการทดสอบเทียบความรู้หรือใช้ผลการสอบในรายวิชาที่นับหน่วยกิตหรือได้รับการเทียบโอนรายวิชาและหน่วยกิต | Accreditation |
EXE | ได้รับยกเว้นรายวิชาโดยผ่านการทดสอบความรู้หรือใช้ผลการสอบในรายวิชาที่ไม่นับหน่วยกิต | Exempted |
I | การวัดผลไม่สมบูรณ์ | Incomplete |
W | การถอนรายวิชาโดยได้รับอนุมัติ | Withdraw |
AUD | การศึกษาโดยไม่วัดผลการศึกษา | Audit |
Article 36. The letters ‘S’ or ‘U’ may be used for courses of Programmes that specify having educational results of the levels ‘Satisfactory’ or ‘Unsatisfactory’.
Educational results at the level of ‘Satisfactory’ will use the letter ‘S’ and those of the level ‘Unsatisfactory’ will use the letter ‘U’.
Article 37. The letters ‘ACC’ or ‘EXE’ will be used for courses in which students are able to use the results of tests of equivalent knowledge or scores from other tests in place of education on that course.
The letters ‘ACC’ will be used for courses for which credits are counted.
The letters ‘EXE’ will be used for courses for which credits are not counted.
Article 38. The letter ‘I’ will be used for courses for which the assessment of educational results is not yet complete, and this will be recorded temporarily.
A student who receives an ‘I’ letter grade for any course shall proceed with an assessment for that course, to be completed during the 80 days from and including the final day of the Semester, provided that, if he or she is not able to proceed with the assessment during such period, the course instructor may determine the educational results of that student from the examination scores or scores from educational assessments by another method that the student has already received.
When the period of 90 days from and including the final day of the Semester has expired, if the procedure pursuant to paragraph two has not yet taken place, the letter ‘W’ will be recorded.
Article 39. The letter ‘W’ may be used in the following situations:
(1) in a course for which a student has received an ‘I’ letter grade and the course instructor has not determined educational results during the 90 days from and including the final day of the Semester;
(2) in a course in which a student failed to sit an examination with a justifiable reason, with authorisation from the Dean or the Rector, as the case may be;
(3) having received authorisation to withdraw from the course pursuant to Articles 29(2) or 29(3); or
(4) having received authorisation for a leave of absence from education pursuant to Articles 50(2) or 50(3).
In a situation according to (2) above, the student shall submit a request for authorisation to the Dean via the course instructor and his or her Faculty Advisor during the ten days from and including the day of the examination, provided that, if the request is submitted after the expiry of this period, if the Dean is of the view that there is a justifiable reason, he or she shall report this to the Rector to consider authorisation.
Article 40. The letters ‘AUD’ may be used for a course in which a student has enrolled to supplement his or her knowledge that does not require assessments and where he or she has study time for that course that is in accordance with the criteria prescribed in Article 43 or according to the Programme Specification and course specification.
A student who wishes to enrol for supplemental knowledge shall obtain a recommendation from his or her Faculty Advisor and permission from the instructor and pay the fees according to announcements of the University on rates of education fees.
When a student has enrolled in a course to supplement his or her knowledge that does not require assessments, he or she may request to change this into an enrolment for assessment with educational results during the fourteen days from and including the opening day of the Semester or the seven days from and including the opening day of a summer semester with authorisation from the Dean, provided that this may not be done after the expiry of these time periods.
A student may not enrol for assessment with educational results in a course which he or she has previously received the letters ‘AUD’, other than in the case of transferring Programmes and where that course is specified in the Programme to which the student is transferring.
Article 41. Regarding the calculation of the number of accumulated credits, only credits from courses on which a student has received at least a ‘D’ or above, a Satisfactory (‘S’) or an ‘ACC’ will be counted.
In the event that a student is required to undertake study on a course more than once, or on a substitute course in accordance with the Programme Specification, the credits from that course will only be counted once.
Chapter 9
Assessing Educational Results and Calculating Cumulative Average Values
Article 42. The University shall procure assessments of educational results for courses in which students have enrolled in a Semester or summer semester.
Assessments of educational results may be conducted during a Semester by a method of reports from books assigned for reading, group work, tests during the Semester, authoring independent studies for the course, or by other methods, and at the end of the Semester there will be a final examination for each course studied in that Semester.
For any course that does not have a final examination at the end of the Semester, the Dean shall make an announcement.
In certain cases, the University may use a method of testing equivalent knowledge in place of an assessment of educational results pursuant to the provisions of paragraph one.
Article 43. A student who has a study time throughout a Semester in any course of less than seventy percent of the total study time for that course, or as specified by that course or in the Programme Specification, does not have the right to attend the final examination for that course, except by reason of necessity that is not the fault of that student. In such exceptional circumstance, the Dean may permit attendance at a final examination.
The calculation of study time of a course pursuant to paragraph one will include the time for theoretical study, practical training, fieldwork and project work.
Article 44. The calculation of the grade point average for a Semester or a summer semester will be made when the Semester ends by the following method of calculation:
(1) the grade point value attained for a course will be multiplied by the number of credits for that course;
(2) the product of the calculation pursuant to (1) for all courses will be totalled;
(3) the sum from the calculation pursuant to (2) will be divided by the total number of credits for which the student has enrolled in that Semester; and
(4) the quotient from the calculation pursuant to (3) is the point average for that Semester.
Article 45. The calculation of the cumulative grade point average will be made by the following method:
(1) the grade point value attained for a course will be multiplied by the number of credits of the course, for all the courses registered for every Semester;
(2) the product of the calculation pursuant to (1) for all courses will be totalled;
(3) the sum from the calculation pursuant to (2) will be divided for the total number of credits for which the student has enrolled, for all Semesters and summer semesters; and
(4) the quotient from the calculation pursuant to (3) is the cumulative point average.
Article 46. In performing the calculation pursuant to Article 44(4) or 45(4), if the digit in the third decimal place is five or greater, it will be rounded up.
Chapter 10
Academic Status
Article 47. The academic status of a student will be determined from the result of the calculation of the cumulative point average of the student, at the end of a Semester of study, as follows:
(1) A student with a cumulative point average of 2.00 or higher has an academic status of ‘Normal’.
(2) A student with a cumulative point average of less than 2.00 has an academic status of first warning (Warning 1), provided that if it is the first Semester from admission, he or she will have an academic status of special warning (Warning).
(3) A student who was in the academic status of special warning in the first Semester from admission pursuant to (2) and has a cumulative point average of less than 1.50 in the next Semester shall have his or her name removed from the student register (Dismissed).
(4) A student who was in the academic status of special warning or first warning pursuant to (2) in the previous Semester and who has a cumulative point average of less than 2.00 in the next Semester will have the academic status of second warning (Warning 2).
(5) A student who was in the academic status of second warning pursuant to (4) in the previous Semester and who has a cumulative point average of less than 2.00 in the next Semester will have the academic status of probation (Probation).
(6) A student who was in the academic status of probation pursuant to (5) in the previous Semester and who has a cumulative point average of less than 2.00 in the next Semester shall have his or her name removed from the student register (Dismissed).
In the event that a student has taken examinations in courses that make up the full number of credits specified in the Programme Specification and has a cumulative point average of 1.80 or higher but less than 2.00, and is required to have his or her name removed from the student register pursuant to (6), the Rector may authorise that student to continue studying on the original Programme, or to transfer Programmes, but the student shall study to achieve a cumulative point average of 2.00 within three Semesters and shall complete his or her studies and graduate during the period specified in Article 11, calculated from the day on which he or she registered as a student.
Article 48. Subject to Article 47, transferring Programmes between Faculties or within a Faculty or taking a leave of absence from education will have no effect on warnings or probation periods.
Chapter 11
Leave of Absence from Education
Article 49. A student may request a leave of absence from education in the following situations:
(1) being conscripted or mobilised for active military service;
(2) receiving a scholarship for external study, training, or to work to increase knowledge or abilities;
(3) suffering from an illness or accident sufficiently serious to necessitate a leave of absence from education for hospital treatment or physical rehabilitation pursuant to a doctor’s certification;
(4) being a student who has enrolled for more than two Semesters, who wishes to request absence from education for justifiable reasons and with authorisation from the Dean; or
(5) being a student who has not yet enrolled for two Semesters, who wishes to request absence from education for justifiable reasons and with authorisation from the Rector.
Regarding a leave of absence pursuant to paragraph one, a student will submit a request to the Dean and the Dean will be the person who considers giving authorisation, other than in the situation according to (5) and for a leave of absence for more than two consecutive Semesters, which requires authorisation from the Rector, provided that in the case of a student who has not enrolled, he or she will submit a request to the Dean during the thirty days from and including the opening day of the Semester.
Article 50. In the event that a student has enrolled and has received authorisation for a leave of absence from education, the procedure will be as follows:
(1) In the event that the student requests a leave of absence from education during the first fourteen days of a Semester or during the first seven days of a summer semester, courses in which he or she has enrolled will be struck off.
(2) In the event that the student requests a leave of absence from education after the expiry of the period specified in (1), but not later than the first ten weeks of the Semester or the first four weeks of the summer semester, the letter ‘W’ will be recorded for a subject in which he or she is enrolled.
(3) In the event that the student requests a leave of absence from education after the expiry of the period specified in (2), but no later than fourteen days before the last day of the Semester, this may be done with a justifiable reason and it requires authorisation from the Rector, and the letter ‘W’ will be recorded for a subject in which the student is enrolled.
Article 51. A student who takes a leave of absence from education before enrolling or who takes a leave of absence from education before the opening day of a Semester shall pay a fee to maintain his or her student status, in accordance with announcements of the University on rates of education fees.
Article 52. A Faculty shall report the names of students who have received authorisation to take a leave of absence from education to the Office of the Registrar promptly.
Article 53. The time spent on a leave of absence from education will be included in the calculation of the period of study pursuant to Article 11.
Chapter 12
Article 54. A student who receives a disciplinary penalty of suspension from education during a Semester will have the courses in which that student has enrolled for the Semester in which he or she was suspended struck off, and the word ‘Suspended’ will be recorded, and changed to ‘Leave’ upon graduation.
A student who receives a disciplinary penalty of suspension from education for the next Semester shall pay the fee for maintaining his or her student status in the Semester in which he or she is suspended.
Article 55. A Faculty shall report the names of students who have been ordered suspended from education to the Office of the Registrar promptly.
Article 56. The time spent while on suspension from education will be included in the calculation of the period of study pursuant to Article 11.
Chapter 13
Article 57. A student who wishes to resign will seek the opinion of his or her parents and submit a request, having received the advice of his or her Faculty Advisor, to the Dean.
When the Dean gives his or her authorisation, it will have effect from the day on which the student submitted the request pursuant to paragraph one.
Article 58. When the resignation has taken effect, the letter ‘W’ will be recorded for courses for which educational results have not yet been announced.
Chapter 14
Programme Transferral
Article 59. Programme transferral within a Faculty, or between Faculties, has criteria and conditions as follows:
(1) a student is to have studied in the original Programme for not less than two Semesters, provided that Semesters in which a student had a leave of absence or was subject to a disciplinary penalty of suspension from education are not counted;
(2) having passed examinations in general education courses of the original Programme or the Programme to which the student will transfer, and the student is to have received an average score of 2.00 or higher, or be in accordance with criteria for changing Programmes that the Faculty shall specify by way of an announcement of the Faculty;
(3) having a cumulative point average, up to and including the Semester prior to transferring Programmes, of 2.00 or above, or being in accordance with criteria for changing Programmes that the Faculty shall specify by way of an announcement of the Faculty; and
(4) is to conduct himself or herself in accordance with the criteria and conditions of the Programme to which he or she will transfer.
Article 60. A student who wishes to transfer Programmes will submit a request to transfer Programmes, demonstrating reasons of necessity, to the Faculty to which he or she intends to transfer to study in a Programme, not less than thirty days before enrolment for the Semester in which he or she intends to transfer to that Programme.
The Dean, with the approval of the Faculty Committee of the Faculty of the Programme to which the student will transfer, shall consider authorising the student to transfer Programmes.
In the event that the Programme to which the student will transfer uses a different system of assessment from the Programme from which the student will transfer, before considering the authorisation of the student’s Programme transferral, the scores from the courses of the Programme from which the student will transfer, will be converted in accordance with the assessment criteria of the Programme to which the student will transfer, in order to determine the academic standing of the student.
Article 61. A student who has received authorisation to transfer Programmes shall complete his or her studies and graduate within the period of time pursuant to Article 11, calculated from the day on which he or she was admitted to the University.
Article 62. The courses of the Programme from which a student transfers will be calculated together with the courses of the Programme to which the student transfers for his or her cumulative grade point average.
Chapter 15
Graduation and Authorisation of Diplomas or Degrees
Article 63. A student may graduate as follows:
(1) Bachelor’s degree Programme (four years): graduation will not be before seven Semesters in the bi-semester system, or not before ten Semesters in the tri-semester system;
(2) Bachelor’s degree Programme (six years): graduation will not be before nine Semesters in the bi-semester system, or not before thirteen Semesters in the tri-semester system; and
(3) Diploma Programmes: graduation will not be before five Semesters in the bi-semester system, or not before seven Semesters in the tri-semester system.
The periods of time according to paragraph one do not apply to a Programme that combines a bachelor’s level degree with a master’s level degree or a Programme that is in collaboration with an Other Higher Education Institution, provided that this will be specified in the Programme Specification, and a student who receives an equivalent course and credit transfer pursuant to these Regulations.
Article 64. A student who will receive a diploma or bachelor’s degree from the University is to have the following qualifications:
(1) having studied to completion of the conditions for graduation in accordance with the Programme Specification, and having attained a cumulative grade point average of not less than 2.00;
(2) having passed tests of knowledge and other skills in accordance with what the University prescribes;
(3) being a person of good behaviour, fitting to the honour of holding a diploma or bachelor’s degree of the University; and
(4) not having indebtedness to the University.
Chapter 16
Receiving a Degree with Honours
Article 65. Degrees with honours have the following two levels:
(1) A first-class honours degree, for a student who has the qualifications and who does not have the prohibited characteristics according to this Chapter, and who has received a cumulative grade point average of 3.50 or higher for his or her studies, with every course receiving not lower than a ‘C’ letter grade.
(2) A second-class honours degree, for a student who has the qualifications and who does not have the prohibited characteristics according to this Chapter, and is in either of the following situations:
(2.1) the student has received a cumulative grade point average of 3.50 or higher, but on one or more courses he or she received lower than a C letter grade, and he or she has a cumulative grade point average in the specific courses category of not less than 2.00; or
(2.2) the student has received a cumulative grade point average of 3.25 or higher, with every course in the specific courses category receiving not lower than a ‘C’ letter grade.
In addition to the criteria according to paragraph one, the Dean, with the approval of the Faculty Committee, may prescribe specific criteria for a Programme through the issuance of an announcement of the Faculty, provided that they shall not contravene or conflict with Article 65 or Article 66.
Article 66. A student who will have the right to receive a degree with honours is to have the following qualifications and is not to have the following prohibited characteristics:
(1) a student studying on a bachelor’s degree Programme (4 years) is to have a period of education up to graduation of not more than four academic years, and a student studying on a bachelor’s degree Programme (6 years) is to have a period of education up to graduation of not more than six academic years;
(2) having courses for which authorisation for equivalency transfer or an exemption has been granted that total not more than twenty-five percent of the total number of credits specified in the Programme;
(3) not having re-enrolled in any course;
(4) not having received an ‘F’ or a ‘U’ letter grade for studying on any course; and
(5) not having received a student disciplinary penalty of the level of parole or higher.
In calculating the time period according to (1), a Semester for which the student received authorisation to take a leave of absence from education, or to study externally, or to work to increase knowledge pursuant to a project of the University or a project of another agency for which the Dean, with the approval of the Faculty Committee, or the Rector grants his or her approval, will not be included, provided that such external study or work is to have a time period of no more than one academic year.
Chapter 17
Submission of Names and Authorisation of Diplomas and Degrees
Article 67. A student who anticipates that he or she will graduate at the end of the Semester in which he or she is enrolled shall make a request in writing to the University during the fourteen days from and including the opening day of the Semester or during the seven days from and including the opening day of the summer semester, for graduation and the University shall consider authorising a diploma or degree at the end of that Semester or term.
Article 68. The Registrar shall examine and compile a list of names of students who have studied the complete number of courses according to the Programme and who have the qualifications and who do not have the prohibited characteristics pursuant to Articles 64 and 66, as the case may be, and who have submitted a request in writing pursuant to Article 67, for the University Council to consider authorising degrees with honours, degrees, or diplomas, as the case may be, in the fields of academia in which the students will graduate pursuant to their Programmes.
Chapter 18
Fees and Requesting a Refund of Fees
Article 69. A student shall pay fees, dues, service charges, and fines according to the announcements of the University on rates of education fees.
Article 70. The University may refund fees that a student has paid to the University in the following situations and at the following rates:
(1) a student who resigns or who takes a leave of absence from education before the opening day of the Semester has the right to request a refund in the full amount of that which he or she has paid;
(2) a student who resigns or who takes a leave of absence from education during the fourteen days from and including the opening day of a Semester has the right to a refund for half the amount paid;
(3) a student who requests for withdrawal from a course because the University has closed a course on which he or she has enrolled will have the right to request a refund of the fees for that course and the fees for using educational equipment on that course in the full amount, other than in the case where the fees are paid in a single sum payment, when the student may not request a refund of the fees for the closed course;
(4) a student who requests for withdrawal from a course in which he or she is enrolled during the fourteen days from and including the opening day of a Semester, or the seven days from and including the opening day of a summer semester, will have the right to request a refund of the fees for that course and the fees for using educational equipment on that course for half the amount paid, other than in the case where the fees are paid in a single sum payment, when the student may not request a refund of the fees for the course from which he or she is withdrawing; and
(5) a student who receives a student disciplinary penalty of suspension from education for the next Semester, but who has enrolled and paid fees for the Semester for which he or she has been suspended, has the right to request a refund in the full amount of that which he or she has paid.
A student who wishes to request a refund of fees pursuant to paragraph one shall submit a request to the Faculty during the thirty days from and including the opening day of the Semester or summer semester. On the expiry of this period, it will be deemed that this right is waived.
Chapter 19
Termination of Student Status and Requesting a Return to Study
Article 71. A student shall have their student status terminated in the following situations:
(1) having graduated and having received a diploma or degree;
(2) lacking the qualifications or having the prohibited characteristics according to Article 14;
(3) having his or her name removed from the student register;
(4) expiry of the period of study according to these Regulations or the Programme Specification;
(5) resigning from being a student;
(6) receiving a serious student disciplinary penalty of the level of dismissal from being a student; or
(7) on death.
Article 72. Regarding a student whose status of being a student has been terminated because his or her name is removed pursuant to Article 24, if not more than two years have passed from the day on which the University announced that his or her name had been removed, the Rector may authorise that student to return to study on his or her original Programme.
In the event that a student has received authorisation to return to study pursuant to paragraph one, it will be deemed that, during the time in which his or her name was removed from the student register, he or she was on a leave of absence from education. For this purpose, the student will proceed with paying fees for maintaining his or her student status and other fees regarding Semesters in which it is deemed that he or she is taking such leave of absence from education.
Article 73. Regarding a student whose status of being a student has been terminated because he or she resigned from being a student, if not more than one Semester has passed from the day on which he or she resigned, the Rector may authorise that student to return to study on his or her original Programme.
The provisions of Article 72 paragraph two will apply to a situation according to paragraph one, mutatis mutandis.
Article 74. The time spent while on a leave of absence from education pursuant to Article 72 or Article 73 will be included in the calculation of the period of study pursuant to Article 11.
Chapter 20
Exceptions from the Application of the Regulations
Article 75. In the event that conduct pursuant to these Regulations will cause unfairness to any student arising from a cause for which the University is responsible, the University Council, on the recommendation of the Rector, may prescribe conduct different from that prescribed in these Regulations, in order to achieve fairness in accordance with what is appropriate for that individual student.
Article 76. In the event that there are regulations of the University or Programme Specifications that prescribe criteria, conditions, and methods for managing education at bachelor’s degree level that are specific to a Faculty or a Programme, the regulations of the University or regulations of the Programme that make such specific prescriptions will be applied first, but in matters on which they make no prescription, these Regulations will be used.
Transitional Provisions
Article 77. A student who registered as a student of the University prior to academic year B.E. 2561 (2018) will be subject to the Thammasat University Regulations on Undergraduate Education B.E. 2540 (1997) as amended up to and including Amendment No. 3 B.E. 2555 (2012) until he or she graduates.
Article 78. The following regulations of the University that were in force prior to the day on which these Regulations come into effect will continue to be in effect until new regulations of the University are made on the same matter:
(1) Thammasat University Regulations on Undergraduate Education of the Faculty of Law B.E. 2530 (1987) (together with amendments);
(2) Thammasat University Regulations on Undergraduate Education of the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Dentistry B.E. 2541 (1998) (together with amendments);
(3) Thammasat University Regulations on Twinning Engineering Programmes B.E. 2543 (2000);
(4) Thammasat University Regulations on Undergraduate Education of the Faculty of Medicine B.E. 2552 (2009); and
(5) Thammasat University Regulations on Education regarding Foreign Students B.E. 2524 (1981)
Announced on 4 January B.E. 2561 (2018)
(Adjunct Professor Noranit Setabutr)
President of the University Council