Thammasat University Regulations
on the Qualifications, Criteria, and Methods for Appointment to and Removal from Academic Positions of Full-Time Faculty Members who are University Employees B.E. 2566 (2023)
Whereas it is expedient to amend the regulations of Thammasat University on the qualifications, criteria, and methods for appointment to and removal from academic positions of full-time faculty members who are University Employees, in order to make the determination of the academic positions of full-time faculty members who are University Employees efficient, complete, and suitable for the academic development of the University;
By virtue of the powers conferred by Section 23(2) and (8) and Section 70 paragraph four of the Thammasat University Act B.E. 2558 (2015), the University Council in meeting no. 3/2566 on 28 February B.E. 2566 (2023) therefore issued the following Regulations.
Article 1. These Regulations are called “Thammasat University Regulations on the Qualifications, Criteria, and Methods for Appointment to and Removal from Academic Positions of Full-Time Faculty Members who are University Employees B.E. 2566 (2023)”.
Article 2. These Regulations will be in force from and including the day on which they are announced.
Article 3. The version of the Thammasat University Regulations on the Qualifications, Criteria, and Methods for Appointment to and Removal from Academic Positions of Full-Time Faculty Members who are University Employees B.E. 2566 (2023) that the meeting of the University Council approved in meeting no. 12/2565 on 27 December 2565 (2022) is hereby revoked.
Article 4. In these Regulations:
“Faculty” means a faculty, college, and will also include an institute that manages education at bachelor’s degree level or graduate level;
“Academic Position” means an academic position of a full-time faculty member of Thammasat University;
“Academic Position Review Committee” means the Academic Position Review Committee of Thammasat University;
“Secretariat of the Academic Position Review Committee” means the division of the University that performs the duties of the secretariat of the Academic Position Review Committee;
“University Employees” means those working in the University who have duties in teaching, research, providing academic services, and giving advice to students in the same manner as full-time faculty members, who are not civil officials in a higher education institution or University Employees providing academic support;
“Applicant for an Academic Position” means an applicant for the position of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor;
“First Author” means the person whose name appears first in an academic work, being personally responsible for conducting the research and writing the manuscript.
“Corresponding Author” means a person who has the role and responsibility of disseminating the results of a research work or an academic work, to create a narrative communication displaying academic value that comprises data presentation, evidence, opinions and experience, together with performing the duty of being responsible for communication with editors.
Article 5. The Rector is the competent person under these Regulations and has the power to issue announcements of the University for conduct in accordance with these Regulations.
Chapter 1
General Provisions
Article 6. In order to maintain standards and quality in making determinations on Academic Positions of the University, the various procedures pursuant to these Regulations shall take into account the criteria, methods and conditions of the Committee of Civil Officials in Higher Education Institutions for making determinations on academic positions, except on matters of a nature specific to being a University Employee.
Article 7. Every step of the procedure for the appointment of a person to, or removal of a person from occupying, an Academic Position pursuant to these Regulations shall be conducted in secrecy.
Article 8. Teaching workload, teaching evaluation and documentary evidence used in teaching evaluation will be in accordance with the criteria and methods that the Rector, with the approval of the Academic Position Review Committee, shall prescribe through the issuance of an announcement of the University.
The criteria and methods pursuant to paragraph one may prescribe for the appointment of a sub-committee for teaching evaluation of full-time faculty members for each Faculty as appropriate.
Article 9. The comparison of Academic Positions that is used in an application for an Academic Position pursuant to these Regulations will be in accordance with the criteria and methods that the Rector, with the approval of the Academic Position Review Committee, shall prescribe through the issuance of an announcement of the University.
Article 10. The calculation of the period of time occupying a position and performing duties in an Academic Position that is used in an application for an Academic Position pursuant to these Regulations will be in accordance with the criteria and methods that the Rector, with the approval of the Academic Position Review Committee, shall prescribe through the issuance of an announcement of the University.
Article 11. The definitions, formats, dissemination, and quality characteristics of academic works pursuant to these Regulations will be in accordance with the documents annexed to these Regulations.
Chapter 2
Academic Works to be used in Applications for Academic Positions
Article 12. Academic works to be used in an application for an Academic Position are divided into 3 groups as follows:
(1) Group 1: Research works
(2) Group 2: Academic works of other characteristics
(2.1) Academic works for industry
(2.2) Academic works for development of teaching and learning
(2.3) Academic works for the development of public policy
(2.4) Case studies
(2.5) Translations
(2.6) Dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books and other academic works of the same nature
(2.7) Creative works in the field of science and technology
(2.8) Creative works in the field of aesthetics and art
(2.9) Patents
(2.10) Software
(2.11) Works for the service of the community and society
(2.12) Innovations
(3) Group 3: Textbooks, books, or academic articles
Article 13. Academic works to be used in an application for an Academic Position are required to have been disseminated as follows:
(1) In the case of an application for the position of Assistant Professor or Associate Professor:
(1.1) A research work is to have been published in a national level academic journal that is in Group 1 or Group 2 of the Thai – Journal Citation Index (TCI) database, or in an international level academic journal that is in accordance with that which the Civil Service Commission for Higher Education will specify.
(1.2) A national level academic journal that is not in Group 1 or Group 2 of the Thai – Journal Citation Index (TCI) database is to be of high quality and accepted in academic circles in that field of academia or a related field of academia, be published continuously and regularly for a period of at least 3 years, and have an examination of the quality of its articles by at least 3 external expert peer reviewers from various institutions. Such an academic journal may be published in paper form or in an electronic format that has a clear and certain schedule of dissemination.
(1.3) An academic article is to have been published in a national level academic journal that is in Group 1 or Group 2 of the Thai – Journal Citation Index (TCI) database, or in an international level academic journal that is in accordance with that which the Civil Service Commission for Higher Education will specify, or in a national level academic journal that is not in Group 1 or Group 2 of the Thai – Journal Citation Index database, but that is to be of high quality and accepted in academic circles in that field of academia or a related field of academia, be published continuously and regularly for a period of at least 3 years, and have an examination of the quality of its articles by at least 3 external expert peer reviewers from various institutions. Such an academic journal may be published in paper form or in an electronic format that has a clear and certain schedule of dissemination.
(1.4) An academic work that is not a research work or an academic article is to have been disseminated according to the specified criteria, together with evidence demonstrating that such dissemination has passed quality evaluation by a committee of experts in that field of academia or a related field of academia (peer reviewers) from various institutions, in accordance with the annexed documents.
(1.5) An academic work for the position of Assistant Professor, aside from dissemination pursuant to Articles (1.1), (1.2), (1.3), or (1.4), may be disseminated pursuant to the definitions and formats of dissemination, and quality characteristics of academic works in accordance with the documents annexed to these Regulations.
(2) In the case of an application for the position of Professor:
(2.1) in applying for the position of Professor in the fields of academia of health science, science and technology, a research work is to have been published in an academic journal that is listed in an international database in accordance with that which the Civil Service Commission for Higher Education will specify.
(2.2) in applying for the position of Professor in the fields of academia of social science and the humanities, academic works are to have been published as follows:
(2.2.1) a research work is to have been published in an academic journal that is listed in an international database in accordance with that which the Civil Service Commission for Higher Education will specify; or
(2.2.2) a research work is to have been published in a national level academic journal as follows:
( a national level academic journal that is in Group 1 of the Thai – Journal Citation (TCI) Index database; or
( in the event that the national level academic journal is not in Group 1 of the Thai – Journal Citation Index (TCI) database, such academic journal is to be of high quality and accepted in academic circles in that field of academia or a related field of academia, be published continuously and regularly for a period of at least 3 years, and have an examination of the quality of its articles by at least 3 external expert peer reviewers from various institutions. Such an academic journal may be published in paper form or in an electronic format that has a clear and certain schedule of dissemination.
(2.3) an academic work that is not a research work or an academic article is to have been disseminated according to the specified criteria, together with evidence demonstrating that such dissemination has passed quality evaluation by a committee of experts in that field of academia or a related field of academia (peer reviewers) from various institutions, in accordance with the annexed documents.
Article 14. An academic work that was created as a part of education to receive a degree, graduate diploma, or to achieve graduation or complete training, shall not be submitted as academic work, unless the applicant has evidence demonstrating that he or she has performed additional study or research that extends the work from its original subject matter, so that academic progress is clearly evident, in which case only the additional results of the study or research that was done in addition to the original work will be considered.
Chapter 3
Academic Ethics and the Code of Conduct
Article 15. A person who is appointed to an Academic Position shall not behave in a way that breaches academic ethics and the code of conduct.
Academic ethics and the code of conduct are as follows:
(1) A person shall have academic integrity, not pass off the work of another as his or her own work, not imitate the work of another, not fabricate information or facts that are not true (fabrication), not falsify information or facts (falsification), not submit his or her own work on the same matter for publication in more than one academic journal in a manner that would create a misunderstanding that the work is new, and not copy any information from his or her previous work without citing the original work in accordance with academic principles.
(2) A person shall cite persons or sources from where information that is used in his or her academic work originates, to show evidence of his or her research.
(3) A person shall not focus on the academic benefits of his or her work to the point of neglecting or harming the personal rights of another person, or his or her human rights.
(4) Academic work shall come from studies using criteria based on academic principles, be free from bias, and present results in accordance with the truth, and not deliberately manipulate the results of the study or research in hopes of personal benefit, or to cause loss to another person, and shall present results in accordance with the truth, not extending the results without verification in an academic manner.
(5) A person shall put his or her academic work to good use, in a manner that is fair and in accordance with the law.
(6) A person shall show that permission has been obtained or that correct practice has been followed in accordance with criteria for research on people or animals, only in the case of producing academic work from research on people or animals.
Chapter 4
Application for Academic Positions in General by the Standard Method
Part 1
Application for the Position of Assistant Professor
Article 16. An applicant for the position of Assistant Professor is to have passed probation and to have a duration of work in the position of Lecturer as follows:
(1) Not less than 1 year for a Lecturer with a doctoral degree or equivalent;
(2) Not less than 4 years for a Lecturer with a master’s degree or equivalent; and
(3) Not less than 6 years for a Lecturer with a bachelor’s degree or equivalent.
Regarding a person occupying a position called by another name from which he or she is instated and appointed to the position of full-time faculty member at the University, if he or she was previously appointed as an adjunct lecturer in a higher education institution certified by the Civil Service Commission for Higher Education and has regularly taught any course with equivalent value of not less than 3 credits in the bi-semester system, or worked in a profession that uses expert knowledge from the field of academia in which he or she is submitting an application for a position, he or she may include the period of time during which he or she was an adjunct lecturer in a semester in which he or she was teaching or during which he or she was working in that profession in the time in the application for Assistant Professor, by calculating the time spent in teaching as 3/4 of teaching period.
A person occupying the position of full-time faculty member in another higher education institution who is instated and appointed to the position of full-time faculty member at the University will include the time occupying his or her position in the original institution in the calculation of his or her duration of work.
In the event of receiving an additional qualification, the time spent performing his or her duties in the position of Lecturer before receiving the additional qualification and the time spent performing his or her duties after receiving the additional qualification will be combined for the purpose of applying for the position of Assistant Professor in accordance with the ratio of duration of work specified.
In the event of a University Employee (changing status), the period of time occupying a position while being a civil official in a higher education institution will be included in the calculation of his or her duration of work pursuant to these Regulations.
For the calculation of the duration of work pursuant to paragraph one, the period of time for which a person has received authorisation for leave for study or training will not be included in his or her duration of work in the position of full-time Lecturer.
Article 17. An applicant for the position of Assistant Professor is to have the number of hours of regular teaching on courses specified by a programme of the University with equivalent value of not less than 3 credits in a bi-semester system pursuant to criteria of the University or a division.
Article 18. An applicant for the position of Assistant Professor is to have teaching results and documentary evidence used in teaching evaluation as specified in Chapter 1.
Article 19. An applicant for the position of Assistant Professor shall submit academic works of such quality and quantity as specified in any of the following:
(1) at least 2 research works of a quality of level B or higher;
(2) at least 1 research work and at least one academic work of other characteristics of a quality of level B or higher;
(3) at least 1 research work and at least 1 textbook or book of a quality of level B or higher; or
(4) at least 1 research work of a quality of level B or higher and at least 1 academic article of a quality of level A.
For at least 1 of the research works pursuant to (1) to (4), the applicant is to be either the First Author or the Corresponding Author, and for at least 1 of the academic articles of a quality of level A pursuant to (4), the applicant is to be the First Author.
Article 20. An applicant for the position of Assistant Professor in the fields of academia of social science and the humanities, aside from using the academic works in accordance with Article 19 above, may submit academic works of other characteristics that are of a quality of level B or higher, or academic articles that are of a quality of level A, instead of research works pursuant to Article 19 paragraph one (2) and (3), provided that, for at least one work, the Applicant for an Academic Position is to be the First Author.
Part 2
Application for the Position of Associate Professor
Article 21. An applicant for the position of Associate Professor is to have a duration of work in the position of Assistant Professor of not less than 2 years.
A person occupying the position of Assistant Professor in another higher education institution who is instated and through equivalency is granted the position of Assistant Professor in the University, will include the time occupying his or her position in the original institution in the calculation of his or her duration of work.
In the event of a University Employee (changing status), the period of time occupying a position while being a civil official in a higher education institution will be included in the calculation of his or her duration of work pursuant to these Regulations.
For calculating the duration of work pursuant to paragraph one, the period of time for which a person has received authorisation for leave for study or training will not be included in the calculation of his or her duration of work in the position of Assistant Professor.
Article 22. An applicant for the position of Associate Professor is to have the number of hours of regular teaching on courses specified by a programme of the University with equivalent value of not less than 3 credits in a bi-semester system pursuant to criteria of the University or a division.
Article 23. An applicant for the position of Associate Professor is to have teaching results and documentary evidence used in teaching evaluation as specified in Chapter 1.
Article 24. An applicant for the position of Associate Professor may submit the following academic works:
(1) Method 1: Academic works of a quality of level B or higher, comprised of:
(1.1) 2 research works and 1 textbook or book; or
(1.2) 1 research work, 1 academic work of other characteristics, and 1 textbook or book.
For at least 1 of the research works pursuant to (1.1) and (1.2), the applicant is to be the First Author or the Corresponding Author, and for the textbook or book pursuant to (1.1) and (1.2), the applicant is to be the First Author.
(2) Method 2: Academic works comprised of:
(2.1) at least 3 research works, at least 2 of a quality of level A or higher and one other of a quality of level B or higher; or
(2.2) at least 2 research works of a quality of level A or higher and at least 1 academic work of other characteristics of a quality of level B or higher.
For at least 2 of the research works pursuant to (2.1) and (2.2) that have a quality of level A or higher, the applicant is to be the First Author or the Corresponding Author.
Article 25. An applicant for the position of Associate Professor in the fields of academia of social science and the humanities, aside from using the academic works in accordance with Article 24 above, may submit at least 3 academic works that are textbooks or books, provided that at least 2 are of a quality of level A or higher, instead of research works pursuant to Article 24(2)(2.1) and (2.2), of which the applicant is First Author, and one other is of a quality of level B or higher.
Article 26. The academic works of every type are to be academic works made after the applicant was appointed to the position of Assistant Professor, other than the case of using academic works made prior to receiving appointment to the position of Assistant Professor, where such work is to have been disseminated not more than 5 years prior to the day on which the applicant received appointment to the position of Assistant Professor, and such works shall be used for not more than 1/3 of the works that are submitted in the application for the position, and provided that, in the quality evaluation, at least 2 of the new works created after the applicant received appointment to the position of Assistant Professor pass the criteria.
Article 27. In the case of an applicant submitting academic works of other characteristics that are works for the service of the community and society that have content and format that are on the same topic but that are conducted in different areas, if the procedure is in the character of an extension in area, from the previous area to many areas broaden the coverage, using different variables to produce a new mechanism, has a change in format and has further development, so that it is not a work that is the same and duplicated, the applicant may submit this in the application for an Academic Position, mutatis mutandis.
Article 28. Aside from applying for the position of Associate Professor pursuant to Method 1 and Method 2 in accordance with Article 24, an applicant may submit an application for the position of Associate Professor using Method 3, in the event that the Applicant for an Academic Position has many research works published and disseminated, and is highly cited in the Scopus database as a person with a high life-time h-index, together with being the principal investigator of research projects, and if the Academic Position Review Committee is of the view that he or she is a person of academic ethics and ethical standards of conduct pursuant to Article 15, the Committee may recommend him or her to the University Council to consider authorising, without the requirement to appoint an Expert Committee, in accordance with the following criteria and conditions:
(1) an applicant for the position of Associate Professor in the fields of academia of health science, science and technology, such as medical science, dental science, pharmacology, veterinary science, medical technology, nursing science, and engineering science, is to have qualifications and academic works as follows:
(1.1) at least 10 research works disseminated in academic journals in Quartile 1 and Quartile 2 of the Scopus database after having received appointment to the position of Assistant Professor, of at least 5 of which the applicant is to be the First Author or the Corresponding Author; and
(1.2) have research works in the Scopus database that have been cited in total (life-time citation) at least 500 times, not counting self-citations; and
(1.3) have a life-time h-index (Scopus) of not less than 8; and
(1.4) have been the principal investigator of at least 5 research projects (life-time) that have received funding from sources external to the University.
(2) an applicant for the position of Associate Professor in the fields of academia of social science and the humanities, such as business administration, economics, behavioural science, and demography, is to have qualifications and academic works as follows:
(2.1) at least 5 research works disseminated in academic journals in the Scopus database after having received appointment to Assistant Professor, of at least 3 of which the applicant is to be the First Author or the Corresponding Author; and
(2.2) have research works in the Scopus database that have been cited in total (life-time citation) at least 150 times, not counting self-citations; and
(2.3) have a life-time h-index (Scopus) of not less than 4; and
(2.4) have been the principal investigator of at least 5 research projects (life-time) that have received funding from sources external to the University.
Part 3
Application for the Position of Professor
Article 29. An applicant for the position of Professor is to have a duration of work in the position of Associate Professor of not less than 2 years.
A person occupying the position of Associate Professor in another higher education institution who is instated and through equivalency is granted the position of Associate Professor in the University, will include the time occupying his or her position in the original institution in the calculation of his or her duration of work.
In the event of a University Employee (changing status), the period of time occupying a position while being a civil official in a higher education institution will be included in the calculation of his or her duration of work pursuant to these Regulations.
For calculating the duration of work pursuant to paragraph one, the period of time for which a person has received authorisation for leave for study or training will not be included in the calculation of his or her duration of work in the position of Associate Professor.
Article 30. An applicant for the position of Professor is to have the number of hours of regular teaching on courses specified by a programme of the University.
Article 31. An applicant for the position of Professor may submit academic works pursuant to any of the following methods:
(1) Method 1: Academic works of a quality of level A or higher, comprised of:
(1.1) academic works of one of the following:
(1.1.1) at least 5 research works that are to have been published in academic journals listed in international databases as prescribed by the Civil Service Commission for Higher Education; or
(1.1.2) at least 1 research work that is to have been published in an academic journal listed in an international database as prescribed by the Civil Service Commission for Higher Education and academic works of other characteristics that have been disseminated at an international level as prescribed by the Civil Service Commission for Higher Education, together totalling at least 5 works; and
(1.2) at least 1 textbook or book.
(2) Method 2: academic works in accordance with one of the following:
(2.1) at least 5 research works that are to have been published in an international database as prescribed by the Civil Service Commission for Higher Education, at least 2 with a quality of level A+ and at least 3 with a quality of level A or higher; or
(2.2) at least 1 research work that is to have been published in an academic journal listed in an international database as prescribed by the Civil Service Commission for Higher Education and academic works of other characteristics that have been disseminated at an international level as prescribed by the Civil Service Commission for Higher Education, together totalling at least 5 works, with at least 2 academic works having a quality of level A+ and at least 3 others having a quality of level A or higher; or
(2.3) at least 10 research works that are to have been published in academic journals listed in international databases as prescribed by the Civil Service Commission for Higher Education with a quality of level A or higher.
For at least 2 of the academic works pursuant to (2.1) and (2.2) that have a quality of level A+, and for at least 1 of the works that has a quality of level A or higher, the applicant is to be the First Author or the Corresponding Author.
For at least 6 of the academic works pursuant to (2.3) that have a quality of level A or higher, the applicant is to be the First Author or the Corresponding Author.
Article 32. An applicant for the position of Professor in the fields of academia of social science and the humanities, aside from using the academic works in accordance with Article 31 above, may submit academic works in accordance with either of the following methods:
(1) Method 1: Academic works of a quality of level A or higher, comprised of:
(1.1) academic works of one of the following:
(1.1.1) at least 2 research works that are to have been published in academic journals listed in international databases as prescribed by the Civil Service Commission for Higher Education or national level academic journals in Group 1 of the TCI database, or academic journals in national databases as prescribed by the Civil Service Commission for Higher Education; or
(1.1.2) at least 1 research work that is to have been published in an academic journal listed in an international database as prescribed by the Civil Service Commission for Higher Education a national level academic journal in Group 1 of the TCI database, or an academic journal in a national database as prescribed by the Civil Service Commission for Higher Education, and academic works of other characteristics, together totalling at least 2 works; and
(1.2) at least 2 textbooks or books.
For at least 2 of the academic works pursuant to (1.1.1) and (1.1.2), the applicant is to be the First Author or the Corresponding Author, and for at least 1 of the textbooks or books, the applicant is to be the First Author.
(2) Method 2: Academic works of a quality of level A+ or higher, in accordance with one of the following:
(2.1) at least 3 research works that are to have been published in academic journals listed in international databases as prescribed by the Civil Service Commission for Higher Education or national level academic journals in Group 1 of the TCI database, or academic journals in national databases as prescribed by the Civil Service Commission for Higher Education;
(2.2) at least 1 research work that is to have been published in an academic journal listed in an international database as prescribed by the Civil Service Commission for Higher Education or a national level academic journal in Group 1 of the TCI database, or an academic journal in a national database as prescribed by the Civil Service Commission for Higher Education, and academic works of other characteristics, together totalling at least 3 works; or
(2.3) at least 3 textbooks or books.
For at least 3 of the academic works pursuant to (2.1) and (2.2), the applicant is to be the First Author or the Corresponding Author, and for the textbooks or books pursuant to (2.3), the applicant is to be the First Author.
Article 33. The academic works of every type are to be academic works made after the applicant was appointed to the position of Associate Professor, other than the case of using academic works made prior to receiving appointment to the position of Associate Professor, where such work is to have been disseminated not more than 5 years prior to the day on which the applicant received appointment to the position of Assistant Professor, and such works are to be used for not more than 1/3 of the works that are submitted in the application for the position, and provided that, in the quality evaluation, at least 2 of the new works created after the applicant received appointment to the position of Assistant Professor pass the criteria.
Article 34. In the case of an applicant submitting academic works of other characteristics that are works for the service of community and society that have content and format that are on the same topic but that are conducted in different areas, if the procedure is in the character of an extension in area, from the previous area to many areas broaden the coverage, using different variables to produce a new mechanism, has a change in format and has further development, so that it is not a work that is the same and duplicated, the applicant may submit this in the application for an Academic Position, mutatis mutandis.
Article 35. Aside from applying for the position of Professor pursuant to Method 1 and Method 2 in accordance with Article 31 or Article 32, an applicant may submit an application for the position of Professor using Method 3, in the event that the applicant has many research works published and disseminated, and being highly cited in the Scopus database as a person with a high life-time h-index, together with being the principal investigator of research projects, and if the Academic Position Review Committee is of the view that he or she is a person of academic ethics and ethical standards of conduct pursuant to Article 15, the Committee may recommend him or her to the University Council to consider authorising, without the requirement to appoint an Expert Committee, in accordance with the following criteria and conditions:
(1) an applicant for the position of Professor in the fields of academia of health science, science and technology, such as medical science, dental science, pharmacology, veterinary science, medical technology, nursing science, and engineering science, is to have qualifications and academic works as follows:
(1.1) at least 10 research works disseminated in academic journals in Quartile 1 and Quartile 2 of the Scopus database after having received appointment to the position of Associate Professor, of which the applicant is to be the First Author or the Corresponding Author; and
(1.2) have research works in the Scopus database that have been cited in total (life-time citation) at least 1,000 times, not counting self-citations; and
(1.3) have a life-time h-index (Scopus) of not less than 18; and
(1.4) have been the principal investigator of at least 10 research projects (life-time) that have received funding from sources external to the University.
(2) an applicant for the position of Professor in the fields of academia of social science and the humanities, such as business administration, economics, behavioural science, and demography, is to have qualifications and academic works as follows:
(2.1) at least 10 research works disseminated in academic journals in the Scopus database after having received appointment to Associate Professor, of which the applicant is to be the First Author or the Corresponding Author; and
(2.2) have research works in the Scopus database that have been cited in total (life-time citation) at least 500 times, except in the field of economics whereby the life-time citation must be at least 200 times, not counting self-citations; and
(2.3) have a life-time h-index (Scopus) of not less than 8; and
(2.4) have been the principal investigator of at least 10 research projects (life-time) that have received funding from sources external to the University.
Chapter 5
Application for Academic Positions in General by the Special Method
Article 36. An application for an Academic Position by the special method may be made in the following circumstances:
(1) in a case where an Applicant for an Academic Position’s duration of work does not fulfil the period of time prescribed for an application to an academic position of a higher level;
(2) in a case where an Applicant for an Academic Position submits an application for a position across a level of academic positions; or
(3) in a case where an Applicant for an Academic Position submits an application for an academic position in a different field of academia from the field of academia of his or her current position.
Article 37. An application for the position of Assistant Professor by the special method may be made in accordance with the following criteria:
(1) the submission of academic work and the procedure will be in accordance with the same method as an appointment to the position of Assistant Professor by the usual method, in which academic works are to have a quality of level B and academic articles are to have a quality of level A; and
(2) an Expert Committee of at least 3 members will be appointed to consider the academic works, academic ethics and ethical standards of conduct, provided that the decision criteria for a pass are to be adopted by unanimous vote.
Article 38. An application for the position of Associate Professor by the special method may be made in accordance with the following criteria:
(1) the submission of academic work and the procedure will be in accordance with the same method as an appointment to the position of Associate Professor by Method 1, in which academic works are to have a quality of level A; and
(2) an Expert Committee of at least 3 members will be appointed to consider the academic works, academic ethics and ethical standards of conduct, provided that the decision criteria for a pass are to be adopted by unanimous vote.
Article 39. An application for the position of Professor by the special method may be made in accordance with the following criteria:
(1) the submission of academic work and the procedure will be in accordance with the same method as an appointment to the position of Professor by Method 1, in which academic works are to have a quality of level A+; and
(2) an Expert Committee of at least 3 members will be appointed to consider the academic works, academic ethics and ethical standards of conduct, provided that the decision criteria for a pass are to be adopted by unanimous vote.
Chapter 6
The Expert Committee and Method of Evaluation of Academic Work
Article 40. In evaluating the academic work of an Applicant for an Academic Position, there will be an Expert Committee that the Academic Position Review Committee shall appoint, and that will be composed as follows:
(1) a President, who is to be appointed from the Academic Position Review Committee; and
(2) Expert Committee members, 3 to 5 in number.
The Expert Committee members are to be appointed from the list of experts prescribed by the Civil Service Commission for Higher Education or the University Council, provided that they are not to be persons working in affiliation with the University, except where there is a reason or necessity due to which the Academic Position Review Committee is not able to appoint an expert from the list of experts prescribed by the Civil Service Commission for Higher Education or the University Council, in which case the Academic Position Review Committee shall make a recommendation to the University Council to consider for approval, as follows:
(1) to appoint an expert who is a person working in affiliation with the University outside of the list or within the list of names of experts prescribed by the Civil Service Commission for Higher Education; or
(2) to appoint an expert who is external personnel to the University outside of the list of names of experts prescribed by the Civil Service Commission for Higher Education or the University Council.
Article 41. There is to be a meeting of the Expert Committee, in which at least half of the total number of Expert Committee members must attend the meeting. Such meeting may be held by electronic means.
In the case of consideration of academic work by the Expert Committee for the positions of Assistant Professor and Associate Professor, where evaluation is made unanimously that the quality of the academic work of the Applicant for an Academic Position falls within the criteria or does not fall within the criteria prescribed by these Regulations, it may decline to call a meeting, provided that to do so is pursuant to the discretion of the President of the Expert Committee.
In the case of consideration of academic work by the Expert Committee for the position of Assistant Professor, where evaluation is made by the majority that the quality of the academic work of the Applicant for an Academic Position falls within the criteria or does not fall within the criteria prescribed by these Regulations, it may decline to call a meeting, provided that to do so is pursuant to the discretion of the President of the Expert Committee.
The decision criteria, and the quantity and quality of academic works that are required to demonstrate expertise in that field of academia, are decisions of the meeting to be made by a majority vote.
Article 42. In the event that there is an application for an Academic Position in the same field of academia and at the same position level as, or a level lower than, the position for which an application for an Academic Position has previously been made, if the academic work that was previously submitted for consideration of granting the Academic Position is submitted once again with the application for the Academic Position, the applicant shall conduct the process during the five years from and including the day on which the University Council passed a resolution granting or not granting the Academic Position. Regardless of whether such submission is done by the original applicant or a new applicant, the Expert Committee shall use the results of the original consideration of the academic work for each matter that has passed consideration, and shall not consider that academic work again, except where the Expert Committee is of the view that original academic work that was of a quality within the criteria is work that is out of date, or where there is another justifiable reason to not continue to use that result of the consideration, in which case, the Expert Committee shall clearly state its academic reasons.
In the event that the original academic work is of a quality that does not fall within the criteria, if it is proved afterwards that the work has been used or referenced widely, or, in the case of work for the service of the community and society, if it is proved afterwards that it is the cause of evident positive change, or is the cause of development of a community, society, state organisation, or private sector organisation, or is the cause of a change in policy at the level of a province or the country, the applicant may use that academic work to submit in a new application for an Academic Position, and the Expert Committee shall give new consideration to that academic work.
Chapter 7
Method of Appointment to an Academic Position
Article 43. The form for an application for a position, the method and stages for filing an application for an Academic Position will be in accordance with that which the Rector, with the approval of the Academic Position Review Committee, shall specify through the issuance of announcements of the University.
Article 44. The form for showing evidence of participation in an academic work, the characteristics of participating in an academic work, the definition of an academic work, the characteristics of dissemination, and the quality of academic work will be in accordance with the documents annexed to announcements of the Civil Service Commission for Higher Education on the criteria and methods for determining appointments of persons to the positions of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor, except where the Rector, with the approval of the Academic Position Review Committee, makes an announcement otherwise.
Article 45. The appointment of a person to an Academic Position will be made in accordance with the following criteria:
(1) In the case that an Applicant for an Academic Position has not submitted additional academic work, and it is not a case where there is a requirement to amend a textbook or book in accordance with the opinion of the Expert Committee, he or she will be appointed from and including the day on which the Secretariat of the Academic Position Review Committee receives the application for the Academic Position.
(2) In the case that an Applicant for an Academic Position has submitted a research work or an academic article that has not yet been published and disseminated, but has received confirmation from the editor of an academic journal stating that that research work or academic article will be published, in a volume and at a time, he or she will be appointed from and including the day on which the Secretariat of the Academic Position Review Committee receives evidence that the research work or academic article has been published and disseminated.
(3) In the case that an Applicant for an Academic Position has submitted additional academic work before the transmission of the academic work to the Expert Committee, he or she will be appointed from and including the day on which the Secretariat of the Academic Position Review Committee receives the additional academic work.
(4) In the case that an Applicant for an Academic Position is required to amend a textbook or book in accordance with the opinion of the Expert Committee, he or she will be appointed from and including the day on which the Secretariat of the Academic Position Review Committee receives the amended textbook or book.
(5) In the case that an Applicant for an Academic Position submits an application for an Academic Position to the Secretariat of the Academic Position Review Committee, and subsequently receives approval for leave for study, training or to conduct research, leave to accompany a spouse going abroad, or maternity leave, he or she will be appointed in accordance with the following criteria:
(5.1) In the case that there is no submission of additional academic work, and in the case where there is no requirement to amend a textbook or book in accordance with the opinion of the Expert Committee, he or she will be appointed from and including the day on which the Secretariat of the Academic Position Review Committee receives the application for the Academic Position.
(5.2) In the case that there is submission of additional academic work before the transmission of the academic work to the Expert Committee and before the day on which he or she receives authorisation to take leave, he or she will be appointed from and including the day on which the Secretariat of the Academic Position Review Committee receives the additional academic work.
(5.3) In the case that there is a requirement to amend a textbook or book in accordance with the opinion of the Expert Committee, and the Applicant for an Academic Position submits the amended textbook or book to the Secretariat of the Academic Position Review Committee before the day on which he or she receives authorisation to take leave, he or she will be appointed from and including the day on which the Secretariat of the Academic Position Review Committee receives the amended textbook or book.
(5.4) In the case that there is a requirement to amend a textbook or book in accordance with the opinion of the Expert Committee, and the Applicant for an Academic Position submits the amended textbook or book to the Secretariat of the Academic Position Review Committee while on leave, he or she will be appointed from and including the day on which he or she reports himself or herself as having returned to work.
(5.5) In the case that there is a requirement to amend a textbook or book in accordance with the opinion of the Expert Committee, and the Applicant for an Academic Position submits the amended textbook or book to the Secretariat of the Academic Position Review Committee on or after the day on which he or she reports himself or herself as having returned to work, he or she will be appointed from and including the day on which the Secretariat of the Academic Position Review Committee receives the amended textbook or book.
(6) In the case that the Applicant for an Academic Position submits an application for an Academic Position to the Secretariat of the Academic Position Review Committee and subsequently ceases to have the status of a University Employee for the reason of death, retirement, or resignation, he or she will be appointed in accordance with the following criteria:
(6.1) In the case that there is no submission of additional academic work, and in the case where there is no requirement to amend a textbook or book in accordance with the opinion of the Expert Committee, he or she will be appointed from and including the day on which the Secretariat of the Academic Position Review Committee receives the application for the Academic Position.
(6.2) In the case that there is submission of additional academic work before the transmission of the academic work to the Expert Committee and before the day on which he or she ceases to have the status of a University Employee, he or she will be appointed from and including the day on which the Secretariat of the Academic Position Review Committee receives the additional academic work.
(6.3) In the case that there is a requirement to amend a textbook or book in accordance with the opinion of the Expert Committee, and the Applicant for an Academic Position submits the amended textbook or book to the Secretariat of the Academic Position Review Committee before the day on which he or she ceases to have such status, he or she will be appointed from and including the day on which the Secretariat of the Academic Position Review Committee receives the amended textbook or book.
Chapter 8
Appointment of a Full-Time Faculty Member to an Academic Position in a Specific Field
Article 46. Aside from the submission of an application for a general Academic Position pursuant to Chapter 4 above, an Applicant for an Academic Position may submit academic work for an application for an Academic Position in a specific field pursuant to announcements of the Civil Service Commission for Higher Education on the criteria and methods for determining appointments of persons to the positions of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor, except where the Rector, with the approval of the Academic Position Review Committee, makes an announcement otherwise.
Chapter 9
Requesting a Review of Consideration of Academic Work
Article 47. An Applicant for an Academic Position who has academic works and academic ethics and ethical standards of conduct that are not in accordance with the criteria specified for appointment to an Academic Position may submit a letter explaining the academic reasons, in order to make a request to have a review of the results of the consideration to the Academic Position Review Committee during the 90 days from and including the day on which he or she was notified of the result of the consideration.
Article 48. In the event that there is a request to review the results of consideration pursuant to Article 47, the Academic Position Review Committee shall proceed as follows:
(1) First review of the results of the consideration:
(1.1) In the event that it is of the view that the statement of dispute has no academic reason, it may pass a resolution not to accept consideration of it and inform the Applicant for an Academic Position accordingly.
(1.2) In the event that it is of the view that the statement of dispute has academic reason, it shall pass a resolution to accept consideration of it and assign the original Expert Committee to consider the statement of dispute.
(2) Second review of the results of the consideration:
(2.1) In the event that it is of the view that the statement of dispute has no academic reason, or the statement of dispute presents additional reasons to the first review, it may pass a resolution not to accept consideration of it and inform the Applicant for an Academic Position accordingly.
(2.2) In the event that it is of the view that the statement of dispute has academic reason and does present reasons additional to the first review, it shall appoint 2 to 3 additional persons to the original Expert Committee, in order to consider the statement of dispute and the academic works of the Applicant for an Academic Position.
Article 49. The Academic Position Review Committee shall consider only the statement of dispute concerning the academic works of every type that were originally submitted that did not fall within the specified criteria. If the Applicant for an Academic Position has submitted additional academic works or has amended the original works, he or she shall proceed to submit a new application for an Academic Position, and it will be deemed that the day on which he or she submits the additional academic works or the day on which he or she submits amended versions of the original works is the day of submission of the new application for an Academic Position.
Chapter 10
Penalties and Removal from an Academic Position
Article 50. During the consideration of the grant of an Academic Position of any full-time faculty member, if it becomes evident that there is a claim that the academic work used in the application for an Academic Position has characteristics that breach academic ethics and the code of conduct in accordance with Article 15, the Academic Position Review Committee shall proceed as follows:
(1) It shall suspend its consideration of the grant of an Academic Position to that person and conduct an examination of the facts as to whether or not the academic work has characteristics that breach academic ethics and the code of conduct in accordance with Article 15.
(2) When the examination of the facts is complete, if it appears that the academic work used in the application for an Academic Position has characteristics that breach academic ethics and the code of conduct in accordance with Article 15, it shall recommend to the University Council to consider making a resolution to terminate the consideration of the grant of an Academic Position to that person, and to prohibit that person from applying for an Academic Position for a period of not less than 5 years and not more than 10 years, calculated from and including the day on which the University Council makes the resolution.
In the event that there is a disciplinary procedure, and from the results of the disciplinary procedure it appears that the academic work that was used in the application for an Academic Position has characteristics that breach academic ethics and the code of conduct in accordance with Article 15, the Academic Position Review Committee may adopt the results of the disciplinary procedure as comprising the procedure pursuant to (2) and need not proceed with a re-examination of the facts.
Article 51. If it appears that, after an appointment to an Academic Position, that the person occupying that Academic Position has produced academic work submitted for consideration for appointing him or her to that Academic Position through behaviour that contravenes academic ethics and the code of conduct in accordance with Article 15, the University Council shall make a resolution to remove him or her from the position of Assistant Professor or Associate Professor. Regarding the position of Professor, the University Council shall consider submitting an opinion to the Civil Service Commission for Higher Education to respectfully refer the matter to His Majesty for gracious removal and to conduct a disciplinary process in accordance with the facts and the severity of the offence on a case-by-case basis, and to prohibit that person from applying for an Academic Position for a period of not less than 5 years and not more than 10 years, calculated from and including the day on which the University Council makes the resolution for removal or calculated from the day on which His Majesty graciously removes him or her.
Transitional Provisions
Article 52. The procedures relating to applications for Academic Positions, penalties, and removal from Academic Positions of academic University Employees that were underway before the day on which these Regulations came into force will continue to be conducted in accordance with the regulations, rules or announcements that applied to that application for an Academic Position until the procedure ends.
Article 53. In the event that an Applicant for an Academic Position has submitted academic work pursuant to the Thammasat University Regulations on the Qualifications, Criteria, and Methods for Appointment to and Removal from Academic Positions of Full-Time Faculty Members who are University Employees B.E. 2561 (2018), the equivalency of quality criteria of the academic work of the Applicant for an Academic Position will be as follows:
(1) academic work of a quality of the level ‘Good’ will be equivalent to a quality of level B;
(2) academic work of a quality of the level ‘Very Good’ will be equivalent to a quality of level A; and
(3) academic work of a quality of the level ‘Outstanding’ will be equivalent to a quality of level A+.
Article 54. In the event that an Applicant for an Academic Position has submitted academic work pursuant to the Announcement of the Civil Service Commission for Higher Education on the Criteria and Methods for Determining Appointments of Persons to the Positions of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor B.E. 2563 (2020) the equivalency of quality criteria of the academic work of the Applicant for an Academic Position will be as follows:
(1) academic work of a quality of level B or B+ will be equivalent to a quality of level B;
(2) academic work of a quality of level A will be equivalent to a quality of level A; and
(3) academic work of a quality of level A+ will be equivalent to a quality of level A+.
Announced on 2 March B.E. 2566 (2023)
(Professor Dr. Suraphol Nitikraipot)
President of the University Council